The Reflect API is a way to manipulate values dynamically through an abstract interface in an untyped manner. Use with care.

See also:

Static methods


Copies the fields of structure o.

This is only guaranteed to work on anonymous structures.

If o is null, the result is null.

staticfield(o:Dynamic, field:String):Dynamic

Returns the value of the field named field on object o.

If o is not an object or has no field named field, the result is null.

If the field is defined as a property, its accessors are ignored. Refer to Reflect.getProperty for a function supporting property accessors.

If field is null, the result is unspecified.


Returns the fields of structure o.

This method is only guaranteed to work on anonymous structures. Refer to Type.getInstanceFields for a function supporting class instances.

If o is null, the result is unspecified.