
@:optionaloptionalstay:Null<(Body, Body, Array<CollisionData>) ‑> Void>

A callback function that is called on frames when two Bodies are continuing to collide.


Flag that determines if Collisions found by this listener should separate the Bodies. Defaults to true.


Percentage of correction along the collision normal to be applied to seperating bodies. Helps prevent objects sinking into each other.

@:optionaloptionalexit:Null<(Body, Body) ‑> Void>

A callback function that is called when a collision between two Bodies ends.

@:optionaloptionalenter:Null<(Body, Body, Array<CollisionData>) ‑> Void>

A callback function that is called on the first frame that a collision starts.


Threshold determining how close two separating bodies must be before position correction occurs. Helps reduce jitter.

@:optionaloptionalcondition:Null<(Body, Body, Array<CollisionData>) ‑> Bool>

A callback function that allows extra logic to be run on a potential collision.

If it returns true, the collision is valid. Otherwise the collision is discarded and no physics resolution/collision callbacks occur.